
Sequel of Beach Stars, the story begins where it stopped in the first one.Nanase, who's now the representative of her prefecture, has finally joined the Madonna Cup and will do everything in her power to defeat her one and only target: Hayakawa Sanae!
異世界召喚おじさんの銃無双ライフ 〜サバゲー好きサラリーマンは会社終わりに異世界へ直帰する〜 -  Призванный в потусторонний мир дядя - живёт оружейным воином -  The Gunner's Life of a Middle-aged Man Summoned to Another World and Armed with a Rifle: An Airsoft Addicted Salaryman Returns to the Alternative World After Work -  Om-Om Pegawai Kantoran Pecinta Airsoft Pergi Ke Dunia Lain
天然格闘少女 ちひろちゃん